Saturday, August 3, 2013

RIP... Zeus Elvis Pryor

August 2, 2013 ended on a sad note for me and my family.  Our dog was killed by a car.  We live in a rural area with a busy road not far from our home.  It is the main road that connects cars from the main interstate and a highway.  The speed limit on the road is 40 mph, but it still seems to fast when you're the one who lives on the street.  People seem to rarely do the speed limit.  This is a somewhat benefit for the local police, as they seem to always be pulling someone over and giving them a ticket for speeding.  Nevertheless, a car, not paying attention, and driving to fast, ended Zeus's life this evening.  Zeus had been drawn across the street by the scent of a few female dogs.  It all seemed innocent enough, until it ended in tragedy.  We had only had Zeus for almost 5 months, but it felt like a lifetime.  I broke down in tears when I found out.  I was shopping at a local big box store, and was in the craft aisle.  It hit me like a ton of bricks.  "Zeus is dead", my daughter told me over the phone.  I couldn't stop crying.  I felt so bad for him, as if I had let him down.  Maybe I had, but I couldn't do anything to change that he was gone.  He was a best friend to our other dog, Dutch.  He towered over him in size, but they were so close, almost like brothers.  Zeus lived a full life and loved life to the fullest.  Rest in peace Zeus, and may you find warm, green pastures to lie in that are filled with trees and sticks to chew on.  We will miss you.

Zeus and Dutch

Monday, August 20, 2012

First Day of School

 First grade!


                                                                   Tenth grade!

They grow up way to fast!

Sunday, October 30, 2011

Happy Halloween!

Tomorrow is Halloween and lots of children will be out trick or treating.  Be sure and watch out while driving home tomorrow evening!  Also, check out this page for a project to use those empty coffee cans, .  Happy Halloween!

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Cool Quilting Videos

Just watched a cool basic rotary cutting video on YouTube.  I recommend you check out the YouTube video site for more information about basic quilting.


Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Fresh Homemade Rolls

I'm on a new roll.  I just made homemade crescent rolls for the first time.  They turned out wonderful!

Monday, September 12, 2011

Grandmas, Dog Beds, and Cinnamon Rolls!


Today marks 40 years when Grandma Helen Conrad left this earth.  I never met her, but was given her name.  She would have been 94 years and 6 days old today.  Helen was quite the sewer in her day.  I'm told that she could look at a pattern in the store, cut the pattern out of the newspaper, and make the same outfit.  

Conrad Family
(Aunt Brenda, Grandma Helen, Grandpa Harry, Mom - Cynthia, and the twins - David and William)

Grandma Fuller is moving from San Diego, California to Springfield, Missouri.  Not knowing this at the time, I made her a new scarf for her 92 birthday coming up in a few days.

She will definitely need it for Missouri weather!

 Dog Beds

Dutch had to spend a weekend at the Dog Hospital  in August.  He really needed an update to his bed.  The results are below.

He is a very satisfied dog.

Cinnamon Rolls

I made cinnamon rolls for the first time last week.  I made a new batch everyday.  As practice goes, you get better.  Of course, all of the evidence has been eaten, so they were actually all wonderful batches.

Friday, June 10, 2011

Last Day of School!

  Today is the last day of school for children in Fayetteville!  Summer vacation begins and soon many children will be off to camp and other adventures these next two months.  Sometimes it feels as if summer never gets here and before you know it, it's already Christmas.  Today we are getting a break from the heat that has been beating down the last few days.  

    I am looking forward to some new adventures and maybe even finishing up some projects before school starts all over again!