Monday, September 12, 2011

Grandmas, Dog Beds, and Cinnamon Rolls!


Today marks 40 years when Grandma Helen Conrad left this earth.  I never met her, but was given her name.  She would have been 94 years and 6 days old today.  Helen was quite the sewer in her day.  I'm told that she could look at a pattern in the store, cut the pattern out of the newspaper, and make the same outfit.  

Conrad Family
(Aunt Brenda, Grandma Helen, Grandpa Harry, Mom - Cynthia, and the twins - David and William)

Grandma Fuller is moving from San Diego, California to Springfield, Missouri.  Not knowing this at the time, I made her a new scarf for her 92 birthday coming up in a few days.

She will definitely need it for Missouri weather!

 Dog Beds

Dutch had to spend a weekend at the Dog Hospital  in August.  He really needed an update to his bed.  The results are below.

He is a very satisfied dog.

Cinnamon Rolls

I made cinnamon rolls for the first time last week.  I made a new batch everyday.  As practice goes, you get better.  Of course, all of the evidence has been eaten, so they were actually all wonderful batches.

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