Sunday, September 25, 2011

Cool Quilting Videos

Just watched a cool basic rotary cutting video on YouTube.  I recommend you check out the YouTube video site for more information about basic quilting.


Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Fresh Homemade Rolls

I'm on a new roll.  I just made homemade crescent rolls for the first time.  They turned out wonderful!

Monday, September 12, 2011

Grandmas, Dog Beds, and Cinnamon Rolls!


Today marks 40 years when Grandma Helen Conrad left this earth.  I never met her, but was given her name.  She would have been 94 years and 6 days old today.  Helen was quite the sewer in her day.  I'm told that she could look at a pattern in the store, cut the pattern out of the newspaper, and make the same outfit.  

Conrad Family
(Aunt Brenda, Grandma Helen, Grandpa Harry, Mom - Cynthia, and the twins - David and William)

Grandma Fuller is moving from San Diego, California to Springfield, Missouri.  Not knowing this at the time, I made her a new scarf for her 92 birthday coming up in a few days.

She will definitely need it for Missouri weather!

 Dog Beds

Dutch had to spend a weekend at the Dog Hospital  in August.  He really needed an update to his bed.  The results are below.

He is a very satisfied dog.

Cinnamon Rolls

I made cinnamon rolls for the first time last week.  I made a new batch everyday.  As practice goes, you get better.  Of course, all of the evidence has been eaten, so they were actually all wonderful batches.