Friday, December 31, 2010

Happy New Year!

   I finally finished the scarf in my spare time.   Just in time for my daughter's birthday. It looks fabulous on her!  It will definitely keep her warm in this cold winter.
  I hope everyone has a very 'Happy New Year' this new 2011!  So let's hear it for getting fit, getting good grades, and having a healthy new year!  Looking forward to another year and finishing a lot of projects this next year!
  Happy New Year!!!

Saturday, December 4, 2010


       So what to get for your best friend of 16 years that you have shared what is actually 5844 days together?  Mugs.  Yes, that's right.  James and I exchanged mugs.  Mine is Linus and his is Charlie Brown.  Just gotta love it!
       We had dinner and a movie.  In translation, we ate dinner at home and rented the Blu-Ray movie THE EXPENDABLES.  Actually, wasn't really that bad, except a lot of violence.  I would probably rate it a 3 out of 5 stars.
        Our next anniversary will actually be on the day of the week that we were married on, Sunday.  Our wedding was actually the church service.  I am truly grateful for being blessed with having such a wonderful husband who not only loves me, but also loves the Lord!  Thank you Lord for 16 wonderful years of wedded bliss and looking forward to many more wonderful years to come!

Friday, December 3, 2010


I recently had to redo this scarf that was halfway finished.  How many times in life do we wish we had an opportunity to redo something?  This scarf was easier to just undo the whole of what had been completed than try to figure out how to fix what had been pulled or snagged.  Jesus is my overall inspiration for doing everything well.  It may take me awhile to do the job, but I get it done eventually.

Matthew 25:21 (New International Version, ©2010)

   21 “His master replied, ‘Well done, good and faithful servant! You have been faithful with a few things; I will put you in charge of many things. Come and share your master’s happiness!’

Wednesday, December 1, 2010


December is a great way to not only wrap up the year, but it always starts another fabulous year with my husband!  December 4 marks 16 wonderful years with my wonderful, fabulous husband, James!  It truly has been a really wonderful 16 years!  I will just be thrilled to finally to be done going to school one year so I am not up to my neck studying for finals and writing papers.  So far, I have one "A" and two more courses to finish up this month.  I am so looking forward to making some crafts and just finally able to enjoy a good book.  Happy December 2010 everyone!

Monday, November 29, 2010

Speak Now

Taylor Swift does it again with another astonishing album.  She is one talented young lady!

Always take life one day at a time!

Image: Leslie Nielsen in 1988 (© Nancy R. Schiff/Getty Images)
Leslie Nielsen passed away at the age of 84 this past Sunday.  Why do we always hear of the famous people when they die?  Mr. Nielsen made me laugh many times.  I am sure he will be missed by his loved ones.  It always makes one think, about your own mortality, when someone dies.  Cheers Leslie!  May you be in a better place!

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Jumping out on a limb!

Well, here I go!  I am finally starting my first business.  Well, at least officially giving it as many bells and whistles that with having a business.  I mean, I thought the name was going to be the hardest to come up, and it did. "Fabric Artists in Motion" ended up being the winner.  While I am also a teacher, student, a mother, a wife, and full time crafter, I really never have time to be bored.  Of course, the only way I can honestly have the strength to do all of these things is through the Lord's strength. 

2 Corinthians 12:10 (New International Version, ©2010)

10 That is why, for Christ’s sake, I delight in weaknesses, in insults, in hardships, in persecutions, in difficulties. For when I am weak, then I am strong.
( Corinthians+12:10&version=NIV)

Well, I have a paper to write for statistics, a test to study for on Wednesday, and other homework to finish up for my third semester in my kinesiology PhD program.